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Workshop with Guadiamar stakeholders

The Green Corridor (Sevilla) is one of 17 case studies RECARE European project (2014-2018), which aims to find methods to assess current threats to soil and seek innovative solutions to avoid further soil degradation across Europe.
On February 19, 2015 a participatory workshop held at the Visitor Center Guadiamar (Aznalcázar) organized by Evenor-Tech and IRNAS, CSIC, with representatives of the main sectors involved in the management, study and use of the Corridor Green Guadiamar. Attended by over 30 representatives from governments, academic and research centers, environmental education entities, farmers associations and NGOs. The purpose of the workshop was to create a multidisciplinary platform to identify major threats and propose the best solutions for the recovery of contaminated soils. In this first project workshop contacts between the agents of interest were established and pooled the different perspectives on space management Green Corridor. A list of the main threats and problems of the area was developed, and possible solutions, technologies and approaches for the recovery of soil functions and the provision of ecosystem services evaluated.   More information (Spanish only)